Happy Colours.

Inspiration, Leica 90mm Summicron APO f/2, Portrait, Teaching point

This was actually taken last month, when we were technically still in winter.  It felt like spring.

Since then, our actual spring has been awful.  It’s been raining for days on end, and over the last 24 hrs we’ve been pelted by ice pellets.  Outside, it’s all black and white.

So today, I’m focusing on (happy) colours.


[Incidentally, the bokeh of the 90/2 APO is really something special.]

Happy Colours

↑Leica M9 and Leica 90mm Summicron @ f/2.

10 thoughts on “Happy Colours.

  1. I like your “colours” attitude as spring has been slow to appear here too. We had a major cold front come through last night with plenty of thunder and lightening. However, the temperatures have finally improved and just this week the leaves have appeared on the trees.

    1. Thanks Duane. We had tulips emerging on our front yard (we planted them this past Autumn and were excited about them sprouting for the first time) and now they are covered with a layer of ice/frost :(. Hopefully they’ll survive…

      Last year, we had been wearing T-shirts and shorts for a good month by this time.

      By the way, I hope your M-E arrives soon and you can take advantage of your warming temperatures!

  2. Great pic and love your blog post at Steve Huff’s site today. I don’t know if I would ever be brave enough to just bring one lens on vacation but you inspire to one day try!


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