7 thoughts on “All smiles.

  1. Nothing wrong with the color and sharpness on this image IMO! Did you apply the evolving formula you’ve been working on for pleasing color? Maybe not exactly like the M9, but at this point it might be time to let the M9 files’ issue take a hiatus.

    1. Hi Chris,

      Yes, I applied my adjustments, which I’m embarrassed to say I worked on all weekend.

      However, as “Dave (D&A)” correctly guessed, different lighting situations call for different adjustments. Moreover, even in the same lighting situation the M240 will interpret white balance differently from shot-to-shot! So WB has to be tackled first and then colour adjustments… It’s a bit of a mess really.

      Anyway, at least I have an approach now, from which to customize each image. There is no “recipe” that will work with every shot. Admittedly, I had the same issue with the M9 but, for skin tones at least, the M9 was easier to adjust.

      Finally, I’ll go further than your statement “not exactly like the M9” and once again note: this is nothing like the M9… but I have indeed let go of trying to emulate M9 files and I’m learning to embrace the M240 look.

      It’s a work in progress.


      1. Hello: To respond to your the M’s interpreting WB from shot-to-shot. I’ve experienced exactly the same issue, and it’s more pervasive when there are multiple light sources in one environment; i.e. some window light, mixed with fluorescent & tungsten. I have noticed this much more when the camera is set on AWB, versus setting specifically daylight or tungsten etc. It seems like AWB can’t make up it’s mind!

  2. Hi, Peter, it is a long time since i am struggling with skin tones in the M9. I wonder if you could share with me any advice. I know it is not fair to ask recipes to a Magician…so please, no worries if you prefer to keep the formula.
    All best wishes from Barcelona!

    1. Teresa, I desaturated all the colours on the M9, which helped with the skin tones. When adding more contrast to the image, I would desaturate again. Finally, I would just click on “auto white balance” to fine tune the colour, and if it wasn’t to my satisfaction, I’d manually set the white balance.

      People don’t realize, I often spend days working on single images… there is no cookbook recipe for me, because each image is unique.

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