Pure Honey.

Inspiration, Leica 24mm Summilux ASPH f/1.4, Life's Little Moments, Portrait, Teaching point

A simple image of our family pet, Honey.

A cliché sort of a thing to do, taking a photo of your pet (in photography circles anyway).

Yet this image illustrates perfectly why I hold the Leica M9 in such high regard: the rendering here is exquisite — the tonal gradations are so pleasing that we are left with the sweet illusion of viewing a live scene, as opposed to a static photograph.

It’s pure honey.

Pure Honey

↑Leica M9 and Leica 24mm Summilux @ f/1.4.

If you haven’t already done so, please consider signing my open letter to Leica.


19 thoughts on “Pure Honey.

        1. Andrew, not at all sure about the talent bit, but thanks for the vote of confidence. I do confess I considered for a time changing your 3rd line to “With lemon in tea” in hopes that somebody (you know who you are) might chime in with some objection to putting a dog in his tea, but in the end thought better of it. 🙂

  1. I agree as well. This is a great example.

    I felt the same when I look at this one of mine, which I took while Anna appeared to be concentrating hard to fill her diaper (with wind as it turned out).

    with the 50 cron @ f2

  2. I’m still trying ot figure out whether your M has been sold off, or if you are still hanging on to it hoping that it will work out for you.

    I had a funny conversaton with a friend recently. He never liked his M9, and he told me that the S2 was a huge disappointment (he still has both of them sitting on the shelf). He bought a D800e and likes it. The reason he called me was that he had bought the M and is delighted. “It’s like my Nikon crossed with a Leica”. 🙂

        1. I am somehow pleased that you actually bought it and tried it out.The lure of high ISO combined with fast glass was also very appealing to me (especially coming from Sweden), but my gut feel is that the camera is not for me either. If I want the Nikon look I’ll get another Nikon.

          On the plus side, the A7R, even with the noisy shutter, is getting more and more appealing.

  3. I love the photos of Honey seen so far here on your blog. Tell me, why is it a cliche sort of thing to take photos of your pet? Is it not the same taking your childrens photos then? Of all the photos seen the last few months (and that is a lot,) just a few really stuck on my mind. One was of Honey lying on the floor in the darkness of your livingroom just a few months old. Actually I have searched for that one and I’m not able to find it again. Maybe you can post it again, or a link to find it.

    1. Several good points, thank you.

      I’ve posted a few images of Honey since she entered our lives a couple of years ago:


      Hopefully the one you’re thinking of is somewhere on that list.


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